Pre Conception and Conscious Conception – A Journey into your wholeness...

The course fuels you with determination to create the healthiest you in body, mind and spirit. A conscious approach to bond with the soul in your womb

₹ 8,390/- + GST

Course Summary

Pre Conception and Conscious Conception
– A Journey into your wholeness... 

What is Conscious Conception?

The term ‘Conscious Conception’ is the idea of setting the intention of creating and holding a loving space to call in your baby. This idea embraces that the children we dream today — our ancestors and the future leaders, activists, parents and Earth stewards of tomorrow, are influenced by our current choices. This ranges from food to partners, from thoughts to the environment, and beyond. We believe that when you think of preparing for conception, you must focus on preparing your body, mind and spirit to take a more holistic approach, for an even more transformative experience.

Why Pre-Conception and Conscious Pregnancy?

As we dedicate ourselves to creating healthier bodies, caring for our inner and outer environments, this course will help you to understand that prenatal care is equally important even before physically conceiving a child. Through our video lessons, you will be able to understand the importance of prenatal bonding; we share how to connect with the new soul residing inside.

You need to think about what you’re eating, how you’re feeling, and what your body is telling you. During a conscious pregnancy, you connect to your baby and you’re taking an active role in understanding your emotional life because you understand how it can impact not only you, but your birth experience and the baby. This is quite a big topic actually, so to help you explore further, we have this course all ready for you that would help you dive down deep into the idea of what having a conscious pregnancy means. From focusing on the detoxification of mind and soul to improving your emotional quotient, from making the right diet plan to maintaining a healthy weight, from identifying every issue to listing all possible solutions, from building healthy habits to, engaging in contemplative practice to cultivate your own being, from finding ways to combat stress to making the mind stronger otherwise, we alert you to open up more to appreciate early and before-birth experiences. The generation coming forward today, require parents that have addressed emotional density, that are awake, courageous and strong.

We, as your support team will help you do your emotional and spiritual housekeeping so you can vibrate higher and allow your spiritual practices of yoga and meditation, to help you bring more understanding and light into your heart. You have been called into a deep and personal transformation because the soul in the womb would be capable of feeling you and learning things that you already do. It’s what you do that matters when the child is in the womb and hence developing extra care subconsciously even before conception would automatically let our gestures fall in place.

Click on the course to relax your fear; embrace excitement and wonder! Nourish your seeds for their longevity, health, harmony and clarity of purpose.

Course Curriculum

Geetha Bafna

An educationalist, a counsellor, passionate about and practitioner of yoga & meditation, loves listening to music and love to be around and with children!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Pregnancy is like an examination. In fact, it is one of the most important exams of a woman’s life. To pass out in flying colors, one needs to prepare well. Similarly, you need to plan well before conception. Pregnancy should be by choice and not by chance. This course helps you to prepare your body, mind and soul before you plan for a baby. This course also helps you during your pregnancy. It is a guideline for all the three trimesters.

Holistic Pregnancy or Garb Sanskar is the womb education. It is guide from planning to the delivery of the child. It includes topics like, Pre- Conception, Conscious conception, Prenatal bonding, Prenatal memory, Prenatal diet, Prenatal exercises, Meditation, Affirmations, Baby proofing etc.,

As soon as you buy the course, you can start watching it. Watch the videos by sequence. Do not jump into videos. To get the maximum benefit from the course, ensure that your spouse is also watching along with you. It will be a good idea to have a notepad and a pen to jot down points. You can watch the videos as many times as you want, within one year of subscription.

There are two videos you can watch. The titles for the preview videos are - Introduction to Holistic Pregnancy and Introduction of Geetha Bafna.

This course is suitable for couples who are married recently or have married for last two years. Planning for a baby is essential at least one year in advance, so if the couple is planning for the baby after one year, this course would be helpful, as this course emphasizes on Pre- conception. If you are already pregnant, you can take the help of this course to have a healthy and a peaceful pregnancy.

You can pay via UPI and Bank Transfers, Credit And Debit Cards like Visa, MasterCard, American Express.

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