Learn about Prenatal Education Holistically!

Holistic Pregnancy is essential for creating intelligent & healthy children.

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ), the Emotional Quotient (EQ) and the Spiritual Quotient (SQ) of the child can be developed when the child is in the womb of the mother.

Our courses will help & support you from Planning your Pregnancy to Delivery of your child.

Holistic Pregnancy IS Prenatal Education. Our courses will guide and support you from Pre-Conception to delivery of your child.

Our courses cover topics like Pre-Conception, Conscious Conception, Pregnancy, Prenatal bonding, Prenatal memory, Prenatal health, Baby proofing and so much more...

It is not only important to be aware about...'What kind of a world we are leaving behind for our children', but it is also important to understand and consider 'what kind of children we are leaving behind for this world.' 

Garbh Sanskar

Garbh in Sanskrit means Foetus and Sanskar means Education of the Mind. Garbh Sanskar is educating the foetus in the womb. It is a very ancient knowledge.

It is believed that education of material, traditional & spiritual values start right from the time the foetus is formed in the womb. Hence, Garbh Sanskar is very important for a Fully Planned Pregnancy.

Prenatal Education

Prenatal Education is an education supporting healthy pregnancies.

Prenatal Education promotes the maintenance of healthy lifestyle during pregnancy - helping the expectant mothers manage stress, practice a healthy diet, exercise practices with yoga, pranayam & meditation, bonding with the foetus and prepare for labour and delivery.

Why is Pregnancy Phase so important?

The period of 9-10 months in which the human being stays as a foetus in the mother's womb is the FOUNDATION for the man-kind.
The first school for every human is their mother's womb.
The greatest teacher is the expectant mother. 

Why Holistic Pregnancy?

It is not only important to be aware about...'What kind of a world we are leaving behind for our children', but it is also important to understand and consider 'what kind of children we are leaving behind for this world.' 

Learn At Your Own Pace

From any device, any time, at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. No limits on the number of times you can view video lessons.

 Our courses are Scientifically Proven, involves Ancient Methodology with Contemporary Practices.